What are Indulgences?
1 - What is indulgence?
A: It is the remission - total or partial - of the temporal penalty due for sins
already forgiven as to the guilt that the faithful reaches through the Church, under
certain conditions.
The faithful forgiven as to guilt are not necessarily forgiven as to the
pity. What erases this time penalty is indulgence, granted
specifically by the Church also through prayer or works of piety,
penance or charity.
2 - Understanding the difference between PENA and CULPA.
A: Adam's sin brought death as a consequence.
Every sin we commit has a double consequence:
BLAME and PENALTY. When a believer confesses his sins to the priest, the priest
grant him the forgiveness of sins as far as GUILT. However, PENA remains
TEMPORAL, which implies different sufferings: daily tribulations,
evidence of all kinds, serious illnesses, represents for the Christian a
moment of grace, purification and atonement. This time penalty can
be applied to us both in life and after death (in purgatory). That is why,
when the Church grants indulgent times or places, we can also
offer them for the dead, who are in purgatory still fulfilling the
due temporal penalties, that is, the consequence of the sins he committed
in life. In purgatory the time for indulgences ceased for souls, and
therefore, they can now only benefit if the living offer in their
favor the indulgences that the Church grants. This boils down to communion
of the saints.
3 - Difference between Partial Indulgence and Plenary Indulgence?
A: Plenary indulgence totally erases the temporal penalty for sins.
already confessed and therefore the condition is the sacrament of Confession, without the
which there is no plenary indulgence. The partial indulgence, as the name
indicates, partially redeems us from that penalty.
4 - What are the conditions for obtaining Plenary Indulgence?
A: Establishing the Plenary Indulgence Church for a given date or
festivity, for the faithful to receive them, the following
Sacramental Confession; Eucharistic Communion; Prayer for
intentions of the Supreme Pontiff (usually the Creed, Our Father and Avé Maria;
Do a work prescribed by the Church.
It is still necessary to reject all attachment to sin, even venial.